
历史名称:Edgeplain, Bass House, 亚瑟的房子
地址:北纬1106号. 内华达大道
师:.C. 威拉德,科罗拉多斯普林斯
Access Level: 亚瑟的房子 is a residence and therefore is not open to the public.

“铺设我们新家的基石, Edgeplain, 是我的男孩, 三岁, 现在是祖父了. 穿着方格呢裙,戴着帽子, 黄色的卷发在风中飘动, 他用泥铲把石头敲了一下. 有一大群人聚集在一起. Champagne was not a sin; he broke a bottle on the stone and we served it with a bountiful repast, 在靠近地基的帐篷里." ——弗朗西丝·梅特卡夫[巴斯]·沃尔科特,1932

本地建筑师A.C. 威拉德为莱曼K设计了这座不同寻常的石头房子. 和弗朗西斯·巴斯在1881年. 15美元,000 Bass residence was noted as one of the significant improvements made to the built environment of 科罗拉多斯普林斯 during 1881. 这房子有很好的装饰。, highly ornamental stone walls consisting of rec棕褐色gular blocks of multi-hued (white, 棕褐色, 棕色(的), 红色的, and pink) sandstone of varied width and height laid in broken rangework with tinted mortar. 每块石头都有各种各样的装饰, 包括啄, 蠕虫的, 岩石面的, 磨砂, 和其他人.

The Bass family named the house "Edgeplain," for its location at the edge of the undeveloped prairie. A stone inscribed "EDGEPLAIN" is still visible on the south porch of the house near the southeast corner. 作为学院附近最早建造的房屋之一, 边缘平原立即成为景观上的地标. 尽管地理位置偏僻, 这所房子有厚实的镶板, 平铺的壁炉, 以及由艺术家约翰·拉法基设计的昂贵的“珠宝玻璃”. 巴斯和他的妻子向科罗拉多斯普林斯的精英们开放了他们的家. Frances wrote that they hosted "musicians and charming singers who came west for healing 阳光, and in our living-room germinated the society which grew into the foundation of the greatest musical society west of the Mississippi."

莱曼·基德·拜斯, 1836年生于纽约, studied law and established a practice in Buffalo that included Grover Cleveland as a partner. 巴斯活跃于共和党政治,曾担任美国总统.S. 纽约州第30国会选区代表(1873-77). He married Frances Metcalfe, a beautiful and talented member of a prominent Buffalo family in 1874. 正值壮年, Bass developed tuberculosis and moved to 科罗拉多斯普林斯 in an effort to regain his failing health. Colorado attracted many people suffering from respiratory diseases who were 搜索ing for the salubrious effects of its dry climate, 阳光, 还有新鲜空气. 科罗拉多斯普林斯, 特别是, drew a large group of "health seekers who had sufficient property to live in comfort,正如早期医生塞缪尔·勒诺德·考德威尔所观察到的那样.

尽管他的健康状况仍不确定, Lyman Bass became the counsel for General Palmer's Denver and Rio Grande Railroad in 科罗拉多斯普林斯. 弗朗西丝·巴斯(Frances Bass)写道,她的丈夫“全神贯注”于为民主党工作&RG and "it was elation for him to be with those who were state and empire builders." Her husband never completely recove红色的, however, and he died in May 1889 in New York City. The Buffalo Express eulogized the former Congressman as "one of the great railway counsels of the country."

在她丈夫死后, General Palmer assisted Frances Bass in disposing of their 科罗拉多斯普林斯 house. Several people owned the house between Bass's death and its purchase in 1901 by Chester 亚瑟艾伦 II and his wife, 玛拉. 切斯特·艾伦·亚瑟的儿子, 他在1881年詹姆斯·加菲尔德遇刺后成为总统, 亚瑟艾伦, 正如他所知, 在他父亲执政期间就读于普林斯顿大学. 小亚瑟充分利用了他的地位, 使用总统的私家车, 只要有可能,就乘游艇通过." He participated in the social affairs and diplomatic receptions in 华盛顿 and once staged a White House party for fellow members of the Princeton Glee Club while his father was away.

新闻papers here and abroad cited 亚瑟艾伦 as "the Prince of 华盛顿" for his easy manner among the upper echelons of society. He attended law school at Columbia University and planned to take the bar examination in 1886 after a brief European vacation. 相反,他在欧洲大陆的逗留持续了十年. 艾伦的儿子, 切斯特·艾伦·亚瑟三世, wrote that his father "was destined to become the perfect pattern of an Edwardian gentleman and of a Europeanized American.“作为前美国国防部长的儿子,他享有一定的声望.S. 总统, as his own son noted: "He had naturally all the qualities which in that age made what the English called 'a gentleman of leisure.“他很英俊,是个运动员. 女人被他所吸引, 人们喜欢他是因为他枪法好, 和最好的人一起骑马去打猎, 台球打得很好,酒量也很有绅士风度."

1900年5月,他在瑞士与米拉·菲斯蒂安·安德鲁斯结婚, 富有的离婚者, doctors advised Arthur to go to 科罗拉多斯普林斯 to seek relief from his bronchitis and asthma. The newlyweds arrived in October 1900, and Alan's health quickly improved in the Colorado 阳光. The Arthurs purchased Edgeplain in 1901 and engaged the architectural firm of Douglas and Hetherington, 是谁设计了赌博正规的十大网站的宿舍, 改造和扩建房子. The resulting project employed the same stone as the original construction and added Tudor Revival details that made the residence a fitting setting for the couple's extensive calendar of dinners and parties.

The president's son became deeply involved in the social life of the Pikes Peak region, 与一些城市最杰出的市民建立友谊. 亚瑟是夏延山乡村俱乐部的主席, bringing top polo players to the organization and making the sport a local favorite. Under Arthur's ownership Edgeplain became "one of the outs棕褐色ding meeting places of the social leaders of 科罗拉多斯普林斯 and Denver,据《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》报道. 当副总统西奥多·罗斯福在1901年夏天访问这座城市时, 他作为亚瑟的客人参加了一场马球比赛,并在埃奇普兰用餐.

In 1922, 亚瑟一家以20美元的价格卖掉了这所房子,000(加上10美元,给约瑟和范妮·亚伯拉罕, 谁打算在城里过暑假. 约瑟夫·亚伯拉罕, 俄克拉何马商人, 对房地产有兴趣吗, 玻璃制造, 还有石油和棉花工业. Phi Delta Theta兄弟会在1926年至1927年期间住在这里. 1929年,约翰. and Charlotte Shaver of Mon棕褐色a acqui红色的 Edgeplain from Fannie Abraham, Joseph's widow. 约翰剃须刀, 格兰茨帕斯黄金法则百货公司的创始人, 俄勒冈州, 最终在蒙大拿州经营了45家连锁店, 华盛顿, 俄勒冈州, 爱达荷州, 北达科他, 和明尼苏达州. 谢弗把他在商店的权益卖给了J.C. 1927年,彭尼公司搬迁到科罗拉多斯普林斯. The Shavers had visited 科罗拉多斯普林斯 frequently over the years and attended a party at Edgeplain in 1907. In their new home Charlotte Shaver studied painting under Zola Zaugg of 科罗拉多斯普林斯 and became an "avid gardener.1943年,约翰·沙弗从商界退休, 但这对夫妇一直住在这所房子里,直到1960年去世. 曾短暂用作三单元公寓, Edgeplain became part of 科罗拉多大学 in 1962 in a purchase from the daughters of the Shavers.

The college bought the house as "part of a long-range program for acquiring strategic properties bordering on the campus.他说:“有关政府计划拆除房屋的传言是没有根据的. 被称为“亚瑟之家”,这是对它最著名的历史主人之一的致敬, the residence was converted for use as a men's dormitory and later became a coed residence. The house received recognition for its architectural and historical significance through listing in the National Register of Historic Places in 2006.



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