


Advisors; Professors KOLARIK, SCHEINER, GOULD; Associate Professor PAVLENKO

Russian与欧亚研究 (RES) is an interdisciplinary program affiliated with the 部门 of History, 政治科学, 比较文学, 艺术, 和中文系, 德国, 意大利, 日本和Russian研究. The focus of this program is the region that stretches from Central and Eastern Europe through the b读th of Russia and Central Asia into northeastern Eurasia. 我们学习历史, 语言, 政治, 经济体, 和文化s of a significant part of the world long obscured by the intellectual and methodological tensions of the Cold War. 该计划为法律职业提供了背景, 教学, 公共和外交事务, 国际业务, 以及国内和国际非营利部门. It also prepares students for graduate training in area studies and language instruction. RES赞助各种各样的活动,如演讲者系列, 电影, and other cultural events associated with the Russian language house. 有关下列课程的更完整描述, 有关部门,请参阅目录条目.


为了完成本专业的课程,学生必须完成总共的课程 12个单元:

  • 四个 相关语言的单位和 两个 文学单位;
  • 三个 units in related courses in the Social Sciences division (at least one of these courses must be in the area 历史);
  • 两个 各学部相关课程单元;
  • All majors are strongly encouraged to take relevant courses in other disciplines beyond the immediate requirements of the program;
  • 顶石要求: Advanced Seminar in Russian与欧亚研究 (RS400 or PS tutorial: PS410; PS412; PS470). 这门课是所有专业的必修课, and will result in the completion of an extended essay or independent re搜索 project, based on a significant body of original re搜索 and/or the student's internship experience in the region. 学生 will present this essay at an annual faculty-student seminar.


长篇论文, 30 - 50页, 能专注于任何与俄语有关的话题吗, 文学, 和文化, 以及Russian和欧亚的历史, 政治, 和经济学. 文章必须证明:

  1. Student's command of primary sources in the original language (Russian and/or other 语言 of the region);
  2. 了解所选学科的研究现状;
  3. Competence in crafting an argument supporting one's own view of the chosen subject.

It is strongly encouraged that at least one section of the essay (approximately 10 pages) be written in the target language.

文章应该用双倍行距印刷, 包括脚注, 尾注, 以及参考文献列表.



论文下午三点前交.m. 在第8街区的第一个星期一.


为了完成辅修课程,学生必须完成一共有 6单元 如下:

  • 两个 相关语言单位;
  • 一个 地区历史单位
  • 三个 各学部相关课程单元;



This half-block course is aimed for those students who want to improve their Russian communication skills and are planning to study, 工作, 或者去Russian旅行. 运用交际法, the class will aim at Intermediate or higher level of fluency (ACTFL scale) in 说话, 听, 阅读理解. Through viewings and discussions of popular Russian 电影 and texts on cultural studies (The Russian Context; The Russian’s World), the class will explore the salient differences between Russians’ and Americans’ cultural and historical background knowledge and assumptions. 学生们将学习和实践Russian的行为准则, 比如恰当的问候方式, 谈判的正式程度, 以及电话和书面交流的礼仪, as well as appropriate language and protocol for expressing gratitude and lodging a complaint. 在课程结束时, 学生将扩大他们对俄语语法的理解, 词汇表, and norms of conduct; they will have learned more ways of accurately expressing and conducting themselves in a broad range of situations. (2024-25年度不提供).


This half-block course is aimed for those students who want to improve their Russian communication skills and are planning to study, 工作, 或者去Russian旅行. 运用交际法, the class will aim at Intermediate or higher level of fluency (ACTFL scale) in 说话, 听, 阅读理解. Through viewings and discussions of popular Russian 电影 and texts on cultural studies (The Russian Context; The Russian’s World), the class will explore the salient differences between Russians’ and Americans’ cultural and historical background knowledge and assumptions. 学生们将学习和实践Russian的行为准则, 比如恰当的问候方式, 谈判的正式程度, 以及电话和书面交流的礼仪, as well as appropriate language and protocol for expressing gratitude and lodging a complaint. 在课程结束时, 学生将扩大他们对俄语语法的理解, 词汇表, and norms of conduct; they will have learned more ways of accurately expressing and conducting themselves in a broad range of situations. (2024-25年度不提供).


苏联和Russian电影的调查由(或关于)Russian妇女, starting with the early Soviet propaganda 电影 and ending with the present Russian version of hyper-realistic 电影. 这门课程追溯了Russian妇女的演变, their changing self-awareness; it explores the conflict between the externally imposed role, 以及女性对自己和命运的看法. The movies are analyzed through the prism of semiotic and discursive approach. (Those students who wish to advance their Russian proficiency and have the competency to watch, 读, 写, and talk about these 电影 in Russian my sign up for this course under RU311 after consultation with the instructor.)前提条件:无. 一个单位. 满足批判性学习:AIM要求. 满足关键学习:HP要求. (2024-25年度不提供).


这门课是所有专业的必修课, and will result in the completion of an extended essay or independent re搜索 project, based on a significant body of original re搜索 and/or the student's internship experience in the region. 学生 will present this essay at an annual faculty-student seminar.



介绍Russian文化, 历史, 通过学习俄语来了解时事. This course focuses on the development of functional socio-cultural competence in 听, 说话, 阅读和写作. 符合语言要求.


This course is designed to build on competencies and skills acquired in RU101 and to prepare the students to continue with the Intermediate Russian (RU201). 符合语言要求.


Review and maintenance of existing skills through 阅读 and conversation until the student is able to progress to Russian 201.


Review and maintenance of existing skills through 阅读 and conversation until the student is able to progress to Russian 201.


注重四种沟通技巧(口语)的发展, 听力, 阅读理解, writing) through interactive activities and integrated use of popular Russian 电影. (Meets the Critical Perspectives: Diverse Cultures and Critiques requirement.(这门课程也在Russian的CC项目中开设.)符合批判性视角:全球文化的要求. 符合语言要求.


强调对基本语法结构的主动控制, 阅读, 短文, 以及基于Russian流行电影的讨论. (Meets the Critical Perspectives: Diverse Cultures and Critiques requirement.(这门课程也在Russian的CC项目中开设.)符合批判性视角:全球文化的要求.






Survey of historically significant narratives representing Russian literary tradition preceding the Age of the Novel: from the ecclesiastic texts of the Kievan era, 通过巴洛克风格, 的分裂, 第一个传记, 世俗的故事, 俄国启蒙运动(讽刺的出现), 到俄国浪漫主义和现实主义的开端(普希金), 莱蒙托夫, 和果戈理). (英语授课.)符合批判性视角:全球文化的要求. 满足批判性学习:AIM要求. 满足关键学习:HP要求.


RU255续作, this course examines post-Emancipation Russia (1861) through the lens of Realism, as well as the Soviet and post-Soviet periods as represented in Russian Modernism, 社会主义现实主义, 和后现代主义(陀思妥耶夫斯基), 托尔斯泰, 契诃夫, 高尔基, 普拉东诺夫, 布尔加科夫, 索尔仁尼琴, 托尔斯塔亚等). 符合批判性观点:全球文化的要求. 满足批判性学习:AIM要求. 满足关键学习:HP要求. (2024-25年度不提供).


Intensive practice in oral self-expression and comprehension based on literary and audio-visual sources of modern standard Russian. (在Russian授课.)符合语言要求.


Continued 工作 toward proficiency in spoken and written modern standard Russian. (在Russian授课.)符合语言要求.


回顾和维护现有的会话技巧, 听力理解, 阅读, 和写作.


回顾和维护现有的会话技巧, 听力理解, 阅读, 和写作.


For students wishing to 读 文学 not covered by courses they have taken or to bridge scheduling difficulties.


For students wishing to 读 文学 or to enhance their individual skills in Russian. (May be taken as one block or half-block or as an extended format course for one semester each, i. e., 311, 312.)


Readings, discussions, and comparative analyses of Russia’s 两个 greatest novelists. 被同时代的人塑造成不可调和的天才, 陀思妥耶夫斯基是“精神的预言家”,而托尔斯泰则是“肉体的预言家”,” their texts continue to challenge us with their controversial artistic methods, 挑衅的问题, 以及关于Russian身份认同的不同说法, Russian的历史使命, 西方国家, 以及基督教的本质. (英语授课.)满足批判性学习:AIM要求. (2024-25年度不提供).


报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/12/2023